Color Blast Science Lab
Science is a blast with this hands-on experiment kit exploring the amazing world of color! Includes fireworks glasses, dye tablets, prism, sticker sheet, test tube, dropper, and 24-page instruction book.
Sparkly Science
Everyone loves things that sparkle and shine. The items in this kit let you perform awesome experiments that explore the science of shimmer!
• Star-shaped glitter
• Pipe cleaner
• Popsicle stick
• Crystal growing starburst
• Diamond slime powder
• Test tube with lid
• Bubble wand
Out of this World Science
Could there be life away from Earth, and if so, what would it be like? Would it be slimy? What experiments would you do if you got your hands on some alien ooze? This great kit will help you find out! You’ll do tons of awesome experiments with the included space slime and even learn how to make your own OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD color-changing slime!
Deluxe Unicorn Science
What is unicorn slime? You’ve obviously never seen an actual unicorn. If you had, you’d know EXACTLY what unicorn slime is. Unicorns aren’t all rainbows and glitter. The truth is, they’re pretty slimy! Unicorn slime is a fascinating substance with lots of scientific properties. That’s where this kit comes in. So, you want to play with unicorn slime and talk about science? You’re in luck, because you can — and will — do both of these things at the very same time. Get ready to get unicorn SLIMED!
Out of this World Slime
Slime is so weird—and so cool—that it seems like it could come from outer space! Could that possibly be true? The awesome experiments in this book take you on a slimy—and spacey—invesitgation—and will teach you cool scientific principles along the way.
Electronic Hacks
Power from a potato? Slime sparking electricity? Check out these awesome experiments that
show you how to hack into the hidden energy in everyday objects. Includes, slime, clock face, 6 alligator clips, 4 zinc plates, 4 copper plates, LED light, connecting wires and test cups!
Candy Science
Learn the science behind what makes candies taste, look and feel the way they do. Then use the included material to make your own homemade conversation hearts, rock candy, chocolate lollipops and gummy bears. Science has never been so sweet! Includes 2 candy molds with lots of fun shapes, heart-shaped candy cutter, 3 rock candy sticks, 12 lollipop sticks, 15 candy cups, 6 candy bags, and over 20 stickers.
Bubble Science
Learn fun science facts while experimenting with different bubble mixes and shapes!
Your kit includes a small bubble wand, bubble pan, 3 shaped bubble wands, test tube of touchable bubbles, and 12 pipe cleaners.
Ultimate Slime Science
It’s ooey, gooey, icky, and sticky—it’s slime! Learn the science behind this slippery substance, then get your hands gunky with experiments that illustrate the properties of slime and recipes to make different types of slime at home! Includes dropper, test tube with lid, wooden stir stick, green glow powder, packet of magnetic slime, petri dish, and pack of color-changing slime.
Science on a Stick!
Simple yet incredible experiments using craft sticks to teach scientific concepts—from freezing to crystal growth, and from electricity to motion. They say everything is better when it comes on a stick, and science is no exception!
Unicorn Slime Science
Science gets magic and slimy in this awesome kit. The lab book teaches the scientific principles that gives different kinds of slimes their unique properties, and the included materials make for fun, glowing, and glittering, hands-on experimentation. Includes glow-in-the-dark powder, packet of color-changing slime packet of green slime, packet of star glitter, petri dish, dropper, test tube, and mixing stick.
Super Rocks and Minerals
24-page full-color book, with extended back cover and blister. Set of 4 rocks with amazing properties (magnetite, pyrite, pumice, and dolomite), magnifying glass, compass, pipette.
Monster Science
Monsters are super scary, but they can also teach us about science! With this kit, you’ll learn about six scary monsters and do some super monstrous experiments. Make the connection between monsters and science while learning about electricity, acid, burning rays, and more! Be prepared to be afraid!!
Melting monster putty
10 monster parts—eyes, mouth, legs, arms, tail, horns
Snow Science
Learn all about snow! Read about the water cycle, clouds, snowflake shapes, and more. Find out why each snowflake is unique. Then create your very own batch of "snow" and a crystal snowflake with the materials in this kit!